The Great Wargaming Survey

Modérateur : Staff Forum

Messages : 1
Inscription : Jeu Juil 03, 2014 1:00 pm

The Great Wargaming Survey

Message par Praefectusclassis » Jeu Juil 03, 2014 1:04 pm

Hello everyone!
Apologies for writing this in English (I can read French fine, but I prefer not to butcher your language in writing). :)
Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy magazine is currently running the Great Wargaming Survey, which will hopefully answer some of the most pertinent questions about tabletop wargaming. We've already got more than 4000 responses, but we want a lot more, and also from the non Anglo-Saxon countries (after all, we're based in the Netherlands). If you could please take 5-10 minutes to do the survey, that would be much appreciated! If you do, you'll also get a chance to win some really nice prizes and everyone gets a 10% discount coupon for use in our webstore. Click here to do the survey.

Thanks so much!


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